Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 24th Preview

Marathon training for an October race (Portland, Victoria, Chicago and Twin Cities are the targets) continues in weeks and months to come. But first you’ll recover from last week’s half-marathon with a seven-mile run. (Half-marathoners go five miles.)

The route (with an 8 o’clock start from the Eugene Running Company). The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street bridge and don’t cross. Turn left onto bike path, to Autzen footbridge and across. Turn right, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn right, then back to Ferry Street and store. GPS distance is 6.95 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at Skinner Butte playground, about 3.5 miles, and finish. Weather forecast: sunny with starting temperature about 60.


Question: When is the best time for stretching exercises, before or after the run?

Answer: Don’t confuse stretching with warmup. Stretching exercises don’t start you sweating or raise your heart rate. You warm up by moving – first by starting the run gently, then by easing into the full pace of the day. Treat the first mile as your warmup, making it the slowest mile of the day. If the warmup shifts gears between resting and hard running, the cooldown period is a necessary transition from racing to resting. When the run ends, resist the urge to stop suddenly. Instead, walk to cool down more gradually. After this walk is the best time for stretching exercises, which loosen the muscles that running has tightened.

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