Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30th Results (4.8 & 10.1 miles)

Busy as the past week was, and cold as this morning is, I wouldn't have been surprised at a low-single-digit turnout this morning. Happy to say that my guess was way off, the right way.

Thanks to Shivaun for opening the store this morning. And to Tonya and Laurel for helping on the course.

Dr. Dan finished today's cold Seattle Marathon in 4:47:13 (11:02 pace vs. 11:22s on his longest training run).


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 4.81, and comparison to your last training run here; target was either to match that pace, for recovery, or better it, for speed training)

Neal -- 52:40 (10:57 pace, -1 sec. per mile) day's best pacer
Audrey -- 53:35 (11:08s, -2:24) day's most improved
Michele C. -- 50:09 (10:25s, -7 sec.) day's 2nd best pacer, tie
Stephanie  G. -- 50:09 (10:25s -1:10) day's 2nd most improved
Richard -- 43:57 (9:08s, -30 sec.)
Chad -- untimed
Elly -- 44:02 (9:09s, +7 sec.) day's 2nd best pacer, tie
Marc -- 44:02 (9:09s, no target) welcome back!
Rachel W. -- 50:09 (10:25s, +1:33)
Russell -- 42:35 (8:51s, +1:04)
Rhonda -- 44:57 (9:20s, -1:04)


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 10.11, and comparison to last training run here; target was whatever you wanted to make it)

David -- 1:37:05 (9:36s, -49 sec.)
Jeff -- 1:24:03 (8:18s, +18 sec.)
Sergio -- 1:24:03 (8:18s, +31 sec.)
Max -- 1:22:59 (8:12s, -24 sec.)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Races

Among more than 2000 locals running races yesterday were at least a dozen of from our summer and fall teams. Sergio won is age group for the second time in four days!

If I overlooked you last night while scanning the long lists (while in a food coma), let me know.


(Turkey Trot 4-mile in Eugene unless noted otherwise; with official time and per-mile pace)

Neal -- Turkey Stuffer 5K in Springfield, 29:16 (9:25 pace) 3rd in age group
Audrey -- 44:30 (11:08s)
David -- 36:42 (9:11s)
Emilee -- 43:20 (10:50s)
Michele C. -- 39:59 (10:00s)
Jean -- 40:10 (10:03s)
Tatiana -- 41:26 (10:22s)
Brian -- 28:52 (7:13s)
Sergio -- 26:04 (6:31s) 1st in age group
Sara -- 33:21 (8:21s)
Max -- 35:34 (8:54s)
Rhonda -- 37:43 (9:26s)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 30th Preview

We're not finished for 2014 yet. If you want to keep running with the team, join us any or all of the next three Sundays. This can recover you from the EWEB Half, taper you for the upcoming marathon (that's you, Russell!), train you for the Holiday Half or just keep you active between Thanksgiving and the year-end holidays.

This Sunday's choices are 4.8 and 10.1 miles. Start from the Eugene Running Company at 8:00, with the store opening about 15 minutes earlier.

The five-mile route (recommended for EWEB halfers): Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge. Turn right onto bike path, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn left, to Ferry Street Bridge and across, back to store. GPS distance is 4.81 miles.

The 10-mile route (recommended for Holiday halfers): same as above to Ferry Street Bridge, then continue to Autzen footbridge (brick crosswalk) and turn around. Come back the same way: Valley River, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 10.11 miles.

Bring a drink if you're running longer, for delivery at about 3.5 and 6.5 miles (Skinner Butte playground). Weather forecast: starting temperature below freezing and mostly sunny, but icy spots possible.


Question: What should I do in the days or weeks after this race?

Answer: One of the most important phases of a training program is also one of the most overlooked. This is what to do after the race. It doesn’t end at the finish line but continues with what you do – or don’t do – in the immediate and extended period afterward. One popular rule of thumb is to allow at least one easy day for every mile of the race (about two weeks after a half-marathon). One day per kilometer (or three weeks post-half) might work even better if the race was especially tough. During this period, take no really long runs, none very fast, and avoid further racing. Run easily until the prospect of training for another race excites you.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 23rd Race Results

Our day was perfect -- and I'm not referring to weather. Each of our 23 runners who started a race today finished it. That's the best measure of success. Anything more is dessert.

Thanks to Laurel (and Carson) for helping on the course today.

A reminder: team training will continue the next three Sundays, for the Holiday Half or just because we can.


(half-marathon unless noted otherwise, with official times and paces, and comparison to your last long training run; target was to approach or better your that pace)

Neal -- 2:16:47 (10:27 pace, -31 sec. per mile)
Audrey -- 3:05:03 (14:08s, +34 sec.)
David -- 2:15:36 (10:22s, -3 sec.)
Emilee -- 3:05:04 (14:08s, +34 sec.)
Michele C. -- 2:09:37 (9:54s, -38 sec.)
Rachel F. -- 1:49:16 (8:21s, +1 sec.)
Stephanie G. -- 10K in 1:01:50 (9:57s, -1:38)
Brian -- 5K in 21:03 (6:47s, -50 sec.) 7th overall
Richard -- 1:56:20 (8:53s, -45 sec.)
Dan -- one hour as taper for Seattle Marathon next week
Chad -- 2:06:27 (9:40s, -19 sec.)
Matt -- 1:56:49 (8:55s, -25 sec.)
Jeff -- 1:41:53 (7:47s, -13 sec.)
Sergio -- 1:29:40 (6:51s, -56 sec.) 1st in age group!; 2nd most 
     improved in half
Evan -- 1:51:30 (8:31s, +20 sec.)
Michelle R. -- 2:09:36 (9:54s, +12 sec.)
Elly -- 1:53:24 (8:40s, -22 sec.)
Sara -- 1:44:14 (7:58s, -20 sec.)
Rachel W. -- 1:45:37 (8:04s, -48 sec.) 3rd most improved in half
Max -- 1:47:36 (8:13s, -23 sec.)
Stephanie W. -- Philadelphia Half in 2:23:30 (10:57s, +10 sec.)
Jeanette -- 2:16:06 (10:24s, -1:01) most improved in half
Russell -- 1:39:58 (7:38s, -9 sec.)
Rhonda -- 2:07:45 (9:46s, -18 sec.)

Alumni half-marathoners:

Kyle McDonald -- 1:29:23 (6:49s)
Pete Dolan -- 1:36:23 (7:22s)
Dave Kofranek -- 1:38:47 (7:33s)
Rachel Young -- 1:42:01 (7:48s)
Brentano Giuliano -- 1:46:40 (8:09s)
Amanda Smith -- 1:49:35 (8:22s)
Stacy Lewey -- 1:51:41 (8:32s)
Jerry Stromme -- 1:52:14 (8:35s)
Johan Brouns -- 1:57:18 (8:58s) 3rd in age group
Carolyn Knight -- 1:57:25 (8:58s)
Lanae Bang -- 2:04:34 (9:31s)
Voula Weaver -- 2:05:35 (9:36s) 2nd in age group
Kathie Hledik -- 2:09:36 (9:54s) 1st in age group
Karen Prater -- 2:11:36 (10:03s)
Rex Prater -- 2:11:36 (10:03s)
Rhea Cramer -- 2:19:38 (10:40s)
Nicole LaCamp -- 2:19:38 (10:40s)
Cristel Herrera -- 2:21:53 (10:50s)
Jeanine Miller -- 2:33:57 (11:46s)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

EWEB Half-Marathon Preview

Run to Stay Warm might better be called "Run to Stay WET" this year. Sub-freezing temperatures will be long gone by Sunday, replaced by mid-40s during the race -- with rain likely. 

You can pick up your race packet at EWEB's North Building on Saturday, 7:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., or on Sunday morning between 7:00 and 8:30. Your race starts at 9:00.

I will be at the EWEB Plaza by about 8:00, and back there later to welcome you at the finish. We will not provide drink service (the race does that), but will have a cheering station or two along the way. 

A course map comes to you by email. You basically run two loops: to I-5 first, then to Owosso on the north side of the river and back on the south side.


Question: What is the best way to pace myself during the half-marathon?

Answer: Even if you’ve done everything right in training, you can cancel all that good with as little as one wrong move on race day. The first and worst bad move is to bolt from the starting line far faster than your training pace. Crowd hysteria and your own raging nervous system conspire to send you into the race as if fired from a cannon. Try to work against the forces of the crowd and your natural desires. Pull back the mental reins at a time when the voices inside are shouting, “Faster!” Be cautious in your early pacing, erring on the side of too-slow rather than too-fast. Hold something in reserve for the late miles. This is where you reward yourself for your early caution, by passing instead of being passed. Being the passer rather than the passee is a lot more fun.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16th Results (one hour)

"Run to stay warm" came a week early. The forecast for next Sunday calls for more Oregon-normal conditions: temperature in mid-40s.

Thanks to Shivaun for opening the store this morning. And to Tonya, Laurel and Carson for helping on the course.


(no exact times taken, and distance/paces varied; targets were to stay relaxed and to finish close together)

Michele C.
Stephanie G.
Dan (21.2 miles marathon training in 3:55)
Jeff M.  (after placing 2nd in trail race on Saturday)
Sergio (20 miles with Russell)
Michelle R.
Rachel W.
Russell (20 miles for marathon training)
Anna (as a guest)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 16th Preview

We're down to this -- the traditional training-ending one-hour run on Pre's Trail. Running by minutes instead of miles reduces pressure to push the pace as your taper begins. Different turnaround points give you all a chance to finish close together instead of widely scattered. 

The route (from the Eugene Running Company at 8:00): Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and turn left onto bike path. Connect to the chip trail near Alton Baker restrooms. Follow waterway past Autzen Stadium and on eastward until your 30-minute mark. Turn AROUND there and come back the same way.

Bring a drink for delivery at wooden footbridge beside stadium. Weather forecast: starting temperature below freezing and sunny.


Question: How much should I run the last week before the race?

Answer: Run as little as your conscience will allow. It’s too late now, with the half-marathon just days away, to do anything that will make the race go better. But it’s never too late to make a mistake – most commonly running too far or too fast – that will come back to bite you on race day. Take at least as many rest days as you would before a weekly training run. Take nothing longer than you would on a normal week’s easy run, and ideally shorter. You won’t forget how to run this week, and you’ll race better the more rested you are.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9th Results (11 miles, etc.)

For most of you, training for the EWEB Half topped out in distance today. Your miles covered the majority of the race course you'll see again in two weeks.

Our training won't stop with that race. The Sunday runs will continue through mid-December, whether or not you're training for the Holiday Half.

Thanks to Shivaun for opening the store this morning, and to Tonya and Laurel for helping on the course.

TODAY'S 11 MILES (and other distances as noted)

(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 10.96, and comparison to your last long run here; target was to match that pace)

Neal -- 9.2 miles in 1:46 (11:31 pace, +32 sec. per mile)
Audrey -- 8.9 miles in 2:00:22 (13:34s, +1:58)
David -- 1:54:16 (10:25s, -10 sec.)
Emilee -- 8.9 miles in 2:00:22 (13:34s)
Michele C. -- 1:55:30 (10:32s, +42 sec.)
Rachel F. -- 11 miles on Saturday in Bend
Jenna -- 1:51:37 (10:11s, -13 sec.)
Stephanie G. -- 8.9 miles in 1:42:48 (11:35s, -9 sec.) 3rd best pacer
Brian -- Autumn Trails 3.5-mile race in 25:02 (7:09s) 1st age-group
Richard -- 1:45:45 (9:38s, +14 sec.)
Dan -- 9.2 miles in 1:45:08 (11:22s, =) day's best pacer
Chad -- 1:49:35 (9:59s, +41 sec.)
Laurel -- 10 trail miles on Saturday
Matt -- 1:42:43 on Tuesday (9:20s, -27 sec.)
Jeff M. -- Autumn Trails 6-mile race in 55:06 (9:11s) 2nd age-group
Liz -- 6 miles
Sergio -- 1:25:29 (7:47s, +25 sec.)
Evan -- 11 miles
Michelle R. -- 11 miles Jake -- 1:32:19 (8:25s, +25 sec.)
Elly -- 1:39 (9:02s, -6 sec.) 2nd best pacer
Sara -- Berkeley half-marathon in 1:48 (8:18s)
Max -- Autumn Trails 10-mile race in 1:37:35 (9:46s) 3rd age-group
Jeanette -- 10 miles in 1:55:08 (10:30s, -55 sec.)
Nobuko -- 6.5 miles
Russell -- 1:25:29 (7:47s, -15 sec.)
Rhonda -- 1:50:28 (10:04s, +12 sec.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 9th Preview

Your training peaks at 11 miles this Sunday. You also preview major portions of the EWEB half-marathon route (including the final seven miles).

The route: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don't cross. Turn right, to Owosso footbridge and across. Turn left, to Autzen footbridge and across. Then back to Ferry and store. GPS distance is 10.96 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at Valley River (2.5 miles), Owosso (4.5) and Ferry (8.0). Weather forecast: starting temperature in 40s with little chance of rain.


Question: What can I expect my half-marathon race time to be?

Answer: The best predictor of the final race result, I’ve found with previous marathon and half teams, is the pace of the longest training run. For a half-marathon, for instance, a runner who trained at 9:00 per mile (for the 11 miles at which our program peaks) can expect to finish the race at very close to that pace. Nearly all of our runners come within 15 seconds, plus or minus – or 8:45 to 9:15 in this example. As with any reliable gauge, this one isn’t based on what you dream of maybe doing someday but instead on what you really have done lately. I don’t say this to drain any of the mystery or surprise from your racing. Mainly I want you to know going into the race what a smart starting pace for you will be. Running at that rate early will assure a better finish.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2nd Results (10.1 miles)

Today's course can confuse you, I know. Even after running it dozens (hundreds?) of times, I still find it hard to describe. The value of taking it is that you'll see three-plus miles of it again on EWEB race day.

Stephanie G., Elly, Jeanette and Rhonda from our current team (plus three summer of the summer runners) got to play in the mud at the Silver Falls Half-Marathon today.

Thanks to Shivaun for opening the store today. And to Tonya, Michelle and Carson for helping on the course.


(with per-mile pace, based on GPS average of 10.11, and comparison to your last long run here; target was to match that pace for this longer distance)

Neal -- 6 miles
Audrey -- 6 miles
David -- 1:46:10 (10:35 pace, +29 sec. per mile)
Michele C. -- 1:39:27 (9:50s, -23 sec.)
Jeff D. -- 7.5 miles in 1:26:39 (11:33s, no target) welcome back!
Rachel F. -- 1:23:21 (8:20s, -15 sec.)
Mike -- 1:22:50 (8:11s, no target) welcome back!
Richard -- 1:35:08 (9:24s, +18 sec.)
Dan -- 17.2 miles in 3:15:42 (11:22s, +39 sec.)
Chad -- 11.5 miles in 1:47:09 (9:18s, -34 sec.)
Laurel -- 4.5 miles
Matt -- 9.8 miles on Tuesday
Jeff M. -- 1:21:01 (8:00s, -28 sec.)
Sergio -- 1:14:30 (7:22s, no target) welcome back!
Evan -- 1:22:50 (8:11s, -19 sec.)
Jake -- 1:20:55 (8:00s, +5 sec.) day's 3rd best pacer
Sara -- 6 miles; before half-marathon race next Sunday
Rachel W. -- 11 miles in 1:37:29 (8:52s, -4 sec.) day's 2nd best pacer
Max -- 1:27:08 (8:36s, -19 sec.)
Stephanie W. -- 12.4 miles in Texas, 2:13:44 (10:47s, -30 sec.)
Nobuko -- 2:00:12 (11:53s, =) day's best pacer
Russell -- 6 miles


(on trails and behind waterfalls at the state park; results from runners on fall and summer teams)

Deanna -- 2:19:03 (10:37s)
Jean -- 2:46:32 (12:43s)
Tatiana -- 2:46:33 (12:43s)
Stephanie G. -- 3:03:59 (14:03s)
Elly -- 2:19:02 (10:37s)
Jeanette -- 2:44:31 (12:34s)
Rhonda -- 3:03:58 (14:03s)