Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 30th Preview

We're not finished for 2014 yet. If you want to keep running with the team, join us any or all of the next three Sundays. This can recover you from the EWEB Half, taper you for the upcoming marathon (that's you, Russell!), train you for the Holiday Half or just keep you active between Thanksgiving and the year-end holidays.

This Sunday's choices are 4.8 and 10.1 miles. Start from the Eugene Running Company at 8:00, with the store opening about 15 minutes earlier.

The five-mile route (recommended for EWEB halfers): Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge. Turn right onto bike path, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn left, to Ferry Street Bridge and across, back to store. GPS distance is 4.81 miles.

The 10-mile route (recommended for Holiday halfers): same as above to Ferry Street Bridge, then continue to Autzen footbridge (brick crosswalk) and turn around. Come back the same way: Valley River, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 10.11 miles.

Bring a drink if you're running longer, for delivery at about 3.5 and 6.5 miles (Skinner Butte playground). Weather forecast: starting temperature below freezing and mostly sunny, but icy spots possible.


Question: What should I do in the days or weeks after this race?

Answer: One of the most important phases of a training program is also one of the most overlooked. This is what to do after the race. It doesn’t end at the finish line but continues with what you do – or don’t do – in the immediate and extended period afterward. One popular rule of thumb is to allow at least one easy day for every mile of the race (about two weeks after a half-marathon). One day per kilometer (or three weeks post-half) might work even better if the race was especially tough. During this period, take no really long runs, none very fast, and avoid further racing. Run easily until the prospect of training for another race excites you.

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