Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 15th Preview

This Sunday brings you an eight-mile run. As always on these "in-between" weeks, you have a choice: use this as further recovery from the long one (at about the same pace for about half that distance) or as speed training (at about half-marathon race pace).

The route -- with an 8:00 start from the Eugene Running Company: Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don't cross. Turn right onto bike path, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn left, to Ferry Street. Turn around there and come back the same way: Valley River, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 8.00 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at south end of Valley River bridge (about 2.5 and 5.5 miles). Weather forecast: starting temperature in 50s with rain likely.

New half-marathoners join us this Sunday. Their starting distance is five miles.


Question: What happens if I get sick and have to stop running?

Answer: The most common ailments are the flu and colds. Never, ever run with the flu’s fever. Don’t just rest while feverish but take an additional day off for each day of the illness, or you risk serious complications and much-delayed recovery. Colds usually pass through you in about a week. Rest during the “coming-on” stage (usually the first two to four days). Then run easily (slowly enough not to cause heavy coughing and nose-throat irritation) during the “coming-out” stage. Throughout recovery, obey your fatigue signals. You got sick in the first place by overtiring yourself.

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