Wednesday, March 30, 2016

April 3rd Preview

Ten miles this Sunday -- aka "only 10." Remember how you once thought of this first step into double-figures mileage as really long?

The course for both you and the half-marathoners, who go the same distance this week (with an 8:00 start from the Eugene Running Company): Oakway and Coburg Roads to Ferry Street Bridge and don't cross. Turn right onto bike path, to Valley River footbridge and across. Turn left, to Autzen footbridge and turn AROUND at brick crosswalk. Come back the same way: Valley River, Ferry and store. GPS distance is 10.11 miles.

Bring a drink for delivery at Skinner Butte playground (3.5 and 6.5 miles). Weather forecast: starting temperature in 40s and sunny!


Question: Our long runs from 11 miles on go up by two miles every other week instead of the more common single mile each week. Is this too big a jump?

Answer: The generally recognized as safe rate for increasing mileage is 10 percent per week. Our increase from 11 miles through 21 averages just 6.5 percent weekly. Scheduling the long run on alternate weekends makes doubly sure than you don’t overdo. For most runners, a weekly long run (increasing by a mile at a time) allows too little recovery time in between. Hence, our plan of alternating longer runs on one weekend with those about half as long the next. The shorter ones increase by a mile each time, or the same 6.5-percent-per-week average. In both cases, long or short, we go longer each time to give a necessary sense of steady progress in distance.

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